Friday, February 21, 2025

guest Author and Musician Kelly Wickham

        I have made a wonderful new friend. Kelly is a talented lady. She offers a variety of music, from toe-tapping, put a smile on your face praise, to slower soothing promises of the love and comfort of Jesus. Plus, she has written a devotional filled with firmly scripture-based truth. I hope you’ll get to know my new friend.


Hi, everyone!  My name is Kelly Wickham.  I was taught about Jesus from birth but it wasn't until after my 23rd birthday that I finally gave my life to Him for real.  That was over 30 years ago.

He has given me a purpose.  He gives me songs and I am glad to sing wherever He leads.

From about 2001 to 2012, I made 11 CDs with a great producer who did a great job recording and producing my music.  Then after I married my husband, Jeff, a friend got me an Olympus LS14 digital recorder as a wedding present.  So it wasn't the most professional way to do it, but I was then able to produce my own music, and I made 16 other CD's.

My husband had a lot of health problems and he is with Jesus now.  I miss him every day, but I know I will see him again.  My life is living proof that the Holy Spirit is truly the greatest Comforter there is.

I used to go out more and sing at other churches or events.  Now, I sing at my church and lead its evening Bible studies.  I also love to sing at nursing homes.  Knowing that I am encouraging someone is a blessing to me.

In 2002, the Lord put on my heart to write a devotional book.  So I took verses that stood out to me and wrote about a paragraph for each one.  It was finally released in print in early 2003, but there are no copies left.

In order to hear it, those eligible can get it from


or contact me.

Another thing that I've been doing:  Besides the whole COVID mess starting in 2020, I had to get all my teeth taken out.  So I didn't know if I would be able to sing.  During the long lull, I began to read a lot more than usual.  In signing up for authors' newsletters, I noticed that many of them gave me the opportunity to read their books in advance and review them.  I saw it as a win-win.  I usually got the book for free and I was able to encourage authors and recommend their books to others.  I still do that quite often and very much enjoy it.  I pick authors who are among my favorites because they give a Christ-centered message and a good story.

My whole purpose in life is to tell everyone that Jesus loves you.  He really does.  If He could change my life, He could change everyone's.  I remember when I finally came to Him, I felt that He couldn't possibly love me.  I learned that it's not about anything I've done, but about what Jesus has done.  I echo the prayer that Paul prayed in Ephesians 3:17-19, which says:

that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height-- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

If you are interested in purchasing or receiving my music or my book, the best way would be to email me at


I have a few songs on YouTube, but not many.  Here is one of them:


Anyway, I pray that God will bless you all abundantly.


Kelly shares on Facebook the stories behind the songs God has given her: 


  1. Hi Kathy, Thank you for introducing us to Kelly. Kelly your voice is just beautiful and I love your song "I belong with Jesus." I love how the Lord gives beauty for ashes - He is faithful! Blessings and love, Erma :)
