Thursday, September 26, 2024

Guest Author, Erma Ullrey

Erma is a wonderful critique partner and a so fun author.


How did a friendship between Henry Ford and his boyhood hero Thomas Edison happen?

Some say Ford worked as an engineer at Edison’s plant. At a company party given by Edison, he sought out young Ford, having gotten wind that Ford had built a car. This conversation, this common thread between two inventors, began a lifelong friendship.

(Picture provided by Substack)

Based on hard work, intellect, and Edison’s encouragement, Ford successfully built and sold automobiles. Years later, the tables turned. Edison’s plant burned down but his insurance didn’t cover the cost, and it was Ford that supplied the cash to rebuild.

Dubbed the Vagabonds, Edison and Ford and two other friends, vacationed and enjoyed life together, sharing memories they held dear and dreams filled with ideas for the future.

The time came when Edison could no longer walk. Ford purchased a home near Edison’s and bought a wheelchair so he and Edison could race in their two-wheeled vehicles.

Who could’ve imagined that their earliest conversation, where both men revealed their desire to build an automobile, would inspire not a jealous rivalry but each other’s success!

The elements of a wonderful friendship are what inspired my romantic novel, Sadie’s Gift. The prequel story, Sadie, is free on BookFunnel at


Please let me know what you think of the story, and connect with me on Facebook at and on my website at

Thank you and God bless you!



Erma Ullrey is a follower of Jesus Christ. Married for forty-three years, she enjoys four wonderful children, three outlaws, and four precious grandchildren. She worked in the medical field for over twenty-five years. After completing her B.S.H.S., she became a health educator and received international credentials in childbirth education (I.C.E.A.) and lactation consulting (I.B.C.L.C.). She’s served as a women’s Bible study leader, and participates in a local book club as well as local and national writer’s groups.

She posts encouraging blogs at and enjoys chatting with her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram friends. And she keeps chickens.

Erma is an award-winning author. Her writing awards including:

2024 ACFW Royal Crown Romance Finalist;

2024 Scrivenings Press, Suspense Finalist;

2024 ACFW Genesis Romance Finalist (double semi-finalist - Romance and Mystery/Suspense/Thriller);

2023 ACFW First Impressions, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller;

2023 Scrivenings Press, 1st place Contemporary Romance;

2023 Scrivenings Press and Faith, Hope, and Love Romance Finalist;

2022 ACFW Genesis finalist, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller;

2020 ACFW First Impressions, Spec. Fic., 1st place;

2020 ICAN 2st place, Suspense;

2020 ACFW Virginia Crown Award, Suspense, 1st place;

2019 ICAN, Suspense, 1st place;

2019 ACFW Genesis Finalist, Novella;

2018 OHCWC Blue Seal Award winner (tie) Suspense, 1st place;

2018 Georgia Peach, Children’s Picture Book, 2nd place


a/o 9/24/24



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