Friday, July 5, 2024

Some Special Books

Unshakable hope: building our lives on the promises of God by Max Lucado.

An author and pastor who has brought me much hope in his books, Max Lucado. This book talks about the certainty of God’s promises. Here are a few:

If we wonder if we have worth, he says, “In the eyes of God, you are worth dying for.” Romans 5:6: “You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.”

The devil’s days are numbered. Romans 16:20: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”

Jesus is always speaking up for us. Hebrews 7:25: “Consequently he is able for all time to save those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.”


All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr.

I went back and forth on whether or not to recommend this book. Throughout reading it, I often felt heartsick.


But, I believe, it’s important to learn about history. And the author’s skill in making the reader feel and experience what the characters are seeing and suffering is excellent.


And, scattered inside the ugliness and horror of war, there are spots of courage, kindness and family love.


So, with a warning, I say that this can be an important book to read.


Fearfully and wonderfully: the marvel of bearing God's image by Paul W Brand and Philip Yancey.

Dr. Paul Brand worked as a missionary and surgeon with people with leprosy in India and the United States. He describes with awe the many parts of the human body and compares it with the wonder of the church. “The human body is a window into the very structure of God's creation and a testament to God's glory." Stories of the amazing courage of patients who reach for life and faith.


Gifts of grace DBC29170 by Kathy McKinsey

My son Benjamin found this book on BARD last week, the second of my books to be offered now as an audio book by The National Library for the Blind and Print Disabled.


This is such an honor for me, and I’ve been having a delightful time listening to someone read my book to me this week.


“Three Novellas. Three women search with hungry hearts and God shows them surprising answers. Watch as God opens doors these women would never expect.”                     


  1. Thank you for the recommendations on books, Kathy.

  2. Hi Kathy, Max Lucado has such an easy style of writing - makes me envious! Whenever I've heard him speak, it's the same way. Perfect words, easily grasped, well delivered!
    What a treat to hear someone read your book!! Blessings (Erma)

  3. Hi Kathy. I hadn't read a Max Lucado book in a while, but I recently ordered his A Heart Like Jesus when I saw it available on Kindle. Thank you for your book recommendations!

  4. Hi Kathy I hope you had a good fourth and I am so happy to hear your books are on audio thank you love your friend Laura
