Another encouragement I received from the book THE CIRCLE MAKER was making life goals.
Of course I’ve heard of that before, but I’ve never thought much about it. Now,
with the whole idea of a new beginning, I’d like to try making some goals.
Don’t worry. I won’t share all of them, since a lot may be
about housekeeping stuff. But this morning, I believe God answered one of my
prayers with the idea of making this goal public. If I tell it to other people,
I’m more likely to push myself a little harder.
I want to get up at 6:00 a.m. No, I’m not looking to deprive
myself of sleep. I’m always in bed by ten at night, much earlier many days.
When I worked outside the home, I got up at 4:15 so I could
get to work early and get things done while it was quiet. 4:15 is ridiculous,
and I’m not trying to do that.
As a farm wife with small children to get ready for school,
my mom always got up at 5:00. She’s been retired from farm work for many years
now, and her youngest child is forty-seven. She still gets up at 5:00. I’m not
thinking that way either.
But 6:00 would be nice. I could say good-by to all the kids
before they leave for work or school—Ping-Hwei leaves before 6:30—and I could
do my Bible reading and prayer time while the house is still quiet. This is not
an unreasonable goal. But when my alarm goes off … Staying in bed a little—a
lot—longer is way too inviting.
So I’m making my goal public, and hopefully that will
encourage me when my alarm goes off.
Good luck, Kathy! Making goals public helps me, too :)